A Year-End Review…some shocking stats!
Inventory Analysis change over a year comparing the same month. A snapshot of Seattle, residential homes 300k-600k.
Current Vs. Same Month 1 Year Ago
Nov. 12 Nov. 11 % Change
For Sale 340 613 -44.5%
Sold 281 188 49.5%
Pended 275 180 52.8%
It is shocking to see these numbers. Inventory of homes for sale is way down (44.5%) yet buyers are scooping up homes at a much higher rate (approx. 50% higher!)We are seeing multiple offers. Our buyers are having to rush to homes the first day on the market so they don’t miss out. It is certainly a VERY different market than it was a year ago. We recently went to a Real Estate seminar with Real Estate guru Denise Lones. She, over the years, has proven herself as a good judge of the upcoming market. She predicted that this low inventory, high demand will continue through 2013.
This change of low inventory & high buyer demand is not just isolated to November…We see it now and all last quarter.
Current Vs. Same Quarter 1 year ago
Sept. 12-Nov.12 Sept. 11- Nov.11 % Change
For Sale 439 729 -39.8%
Sold 290 216 34.3%
Pended 308 208 48.1%