• Home Value

    2015 Building and Remodeling Trends

    As we head into peak building and remodeling season, there are new construction and remodeling trends to consider as you are looking for a new home, buying a home with an eye for a remodel, or even considering a remodel…

  • Uncategorized

    No Bubble!

    Yes the market is hot but it’s no bubble! In most areas we are still below the peak. After the housing market bust we experienced across the country in 2008, many experts have been quick to warn that a new…

  • Buying

    How Should I Prepare Myself to Buy a Home?

    If it has been a few years since you purchased a home, things have changed a bit and it pays to be aware of these changes. Since the recession and the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, banks have become more stringent in…

  • Uncategorized


    Buying a home for the first time can be an exciting and daunting task. Any first-time home buyers should take a look at this article (see link below) for some insightful advice on buying your first home. As an Accredited…

  • Uncategorized

    Real Estate 2015 Predictions

    Each year we take time to review what has happened during the year and to look forward to predict what is in store for real estate. Below are our predictions for 2015, based on data that was available during my…

  • Buying,  Home Value

    Seattle Rent Up 21.5% in 5 Years

    If you’re feeling the pinch there is good reason- rent has increased in Seattle by 21.5% in the last 5 years. Seattlelite’s income has only increased 10.4% in the same amount of time. This increase has started to push renters…

  • Uncategorized

    A 5-Point Action Plan for Your New Place

    After waiting weeks for the keys to your new home, you probably want to treat yourself to something nice. Here are some quick home improvements you’ll likely be happy with: 1. Practical problems first. Prioritize easy repairs and upgrades that…